Things we do on daily basis which are bad for our health

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Hello friends this is Meer Ishfaq and i am back with my new blog and today i am going to talk about the things we do in our daily life and that too are really very bad for health. Let us discuss those habbits one by one.

1. Sitting whole day at one place shortens our life.

sitting at one place whole day may lead to heart disease and other health problems. If an individual is also workingout although he will be less heather compared to the person who works whole day and sits most often. so guys make sure not to sit idle at one place or the persons who work whole day on a laptop would face several health problems.

2. Wearing tight or skinny jeans.

wearing tight and skinny jeans would damage nerves of an individual. There are number of problems which one would face wearing skinny jeans. you may feel less comfort level while sitting and sweat blockage problems and other several skin guys the more you keep your body feel relax the more you would remain healthy.

3. Brushing teeth just after eating some food.

Brushing just after eating some food may lead to damage teeth enamel. always brush your teeth before going to bed that is the best time to brush.brushing teeth just after eating food makes your teeth weak and removes the necessary coating present on tooth.

4. Smartphones kill our ability to relax or sleep.

smartphones are our best friends in this modern world but on the other side these are the worst enemies to us as we all know the bad effects of ultra viral rays produced by these smartphones and other electronic devices these draw a huge effect on our health and as one spends alot of time on smartphones that lead to kill the sleep and relax ability.

These are some of the basic things which we do in our daily life and we don't even know the bad effects of those things on our body. so guys try to avoid doing these things hope you will enjoy reading my blog.

Thank you.


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