
Key to success

Hello friends this is Meer Ishfaq and i am back with my new blog and today i am going to talk about a totally different topic and yeah it will help the people to understand the reasons behind success and faliur. We are social beings and we live in a particular society and the way of living is different from region to refion and from country to country but Allah has made the mankind with one common thing and that are our emotions , we all have emotions and thats why we humans are known as emotional beings and that character differentiates us from animals. So friends in today's modern world we can see there is a mess of competition or we can say cut throat competition and if someone fails to stand in that competition he is rejected by the society in all respects neither he is been eligible for social responsibilities nor for his individual responsibilities , in a nut shell he is of no use. Friends competition is good it boosts the enthusiasm among individuals but if there is a h

Things we do on daily basis which are bad for our health

For queries drop a mail on Hello friends this is Meer Ishfaq and i am back with my new blog and today i am going to talk about the things we do in our daily life and that too are really very bad for health. Let us discuss those habbits one by one. 1. Sitting whole day at one place shortens our life. sitting at one place whole day may lead to heart disease and other health problems. If an individual is also workingout although he will be less heather compared to the person who works whole day and sits most often. so guys make sure not to sit idle at one place or the persons who work whole day on a laptop would face several health problems. 2. Wearing tight or skinny jeans. wearing tight and skinny jeans would damage nerves of an individual. There are number of problems which one would face wearing skinny jeans. you may feel less comfort level while sitting and sweat blockage problems and other several skin guys the more you keep your

Stress and its effects on health

Hello friends this is Meer Ishfaq and i back with my new blog and today i am going to talk about stress and its effects on health and the ways to overcome stress or to hold stress level on such occasions when your emotions might not stay in your control let's discuss all in detail. Friends welcome again to my blog as i always choose a topic which is related to health and today my topis is about stress and its effects on our health and all that so lets begin. First we shall know what is stress and how and when it comes in our mind through emotions. Basically stress is of various kinds. Stress may be the pressure or load of work you face in office or at home or stress also may be the trouble happens in your daily life weather you are sick or you have to pay bills or some debts etc, all the conditions when someone face in his life he has to go through some stress level. Now there are different people of different mindsets in this world as per my experience i have seen such

differentiation between good and bad diet

Hello friends this is Meer Ishu and i am back with my new blog and today i am going to talk about both good and bad diet by the help of which you can easily understand what you have to eat and what to avoid as i have discussed in earlier blogs that proteins , fats and carbs are available to us in a bulk quantity both in natural form and in processed form only what you have to do is to identify what is good for you. So friends lets get started by differentiating all the three components of diet one by one. 1. good protein👍                         Protein which comes from animals is more complete then plant proteins.Animal protein contain more important amino acids which lack in plant proteins.Animal protein contain calcium which is really very essential for bones. some of the examples of good proteins are as 1. Grass-fed beef 2. Pastured chicken 3. Wild salmon 4. Tuna 5. Pastured eggs 6. Greek yogurt 7. Whey protein isolate 2. bad protein 👎 Plant pr

What happen in our body when we eat too much of sugar.

Hello friends this is Meer Ishu and i am back with my new blog based on the consumption of sugar and what are the bad effects of sugar on our body. So guys let's get started. Eating too much added  sugar  can have many negative health  effects . An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood  sugar  problems and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions Some of the major effects of sugar on our body are as. 1. Risk of heart disease. Hign sugary diets have been considered worst for our health and it can lead us to various deceases such as heart decease. Friends you can consult doctors about the intake of sugars in your diet because in this blog i can only suggest you people and i can't give you the proof or some examples. 2. Can cause weight gain. Sugar diets can make an individual fatty easily yes friends it is a bitter truth , the more you eat sweet products the more you gain bad weight and that will lead to

Get six pack abs

Hi friends this is Meer Ishu and i am back with a new blog how to get six pack abs and yeah friends sorry for the break actually i was busy with Eid celebration ans i could not upload new blogs. So friends here i am with my new blog let me discuss the tips to get six pack abs. Friends nothing is impossible in this world as the word impossible it self says that i am possible so don't worry if you had some belly fat and you want to get lean and want six packs this is the right place for you to get the right amount of information, guys whatever i say is simple, i do not say such things which lead to confusion. so lets start discussing the main points which will help an individual to to get six pack abs. 1. Eat enough protein. proteins help you to gain muscles and burn fat. proteins are really good for body and helps an individual to build muscles which is also required for belly because belly is often covered with unwanted fat which is burned by eating proteins.


Hello friends this is Meer Ishu and today i am going to talk about vascularity or how to get vascular, as we all know and see that guys who have vascular body look more attractive than the guys who are not. Let us discuss some of the points to get vascular. Friends let me explain first the meaning of vascularity, vascularity is that condition of the body when the body has highly visible viens. Yes friends when there are visible viens on any part of the body that is called as being vascular.                                    Sylvester Stallone.                             Sylvester Stallone is one of the best example of being vascular and he looks stunning with vascular body specially his vascular arms look great. So guys here are some of the points which lead an individual to a vascularity. 1. Reducing body fat. if you want to be vascular you have to reduce body fat to single digit. below 10 , you body will automatically get vascular. Fat present in our body covers the v