Get six pack abs

Hi friends this is Meer Ishu and i am back with a new blog how to get six pack abs and yeah friends sorry for the break actually i was busy with Eid celebration ans i could not upload new blogs. So friends here i am with my new blog let me discuss the tips to get six pack abs.

Friends nothing is impossible in this world as the word impossible it self says that i am possible so don't worry if you had some belly fat and you want to get lean and want six packs this is the right place for you to get the right amount of information, guys whatever i say is simple, i do not say such things which lead to confusion. so lets start discussing the main points which will help an individual to to get six pack abs.

1. Eat enough protein. proteins help you to gain muscles and burn fat. proteins are really good for body and helps an individual to build muscles which is also required for belly because belly is often covered with unwanted fat which is burned by eating proteins.

2. Eat healthy per workout carbs . Friends healthy carbs are also important for our health because carbs give us energy to do work and we need a hard core energy when we workout. so guys eat healthy and balanced carbs before you go for a workout or abs exercises.

3. Eat healthy fats. Friends as in my earliest blogs i said eating fats is good for health but healthy fats not the unhealthy fats so eat fats to keep your insulin level stable and helps you to burn belly fat.

4. Focus on your diet . Friends diet is the most important thing which help anybody to get his/her desired shape and size. So it is important to focus on your diet as i mentioned above the three components make a plan which include all the three components as per your requirement and focus on that diet only to get in shape. 

5. Cardio. one of the most important exercise is doing cardio which requires no gym no equipment only you have to do some exercises and keep yourself fit and burn fat. Two most important exercises are as 

  (1) push ups
(2) pull ups 

I'm sure you've probably heard that the best way to burn fat is to do long duration cardio at a slow to medium pace. This fat loss method is decent, but there is a much better way. I suggest doing interval workouts combined with abdominal exercises.
During the active recovery period of your interval workout, perform an ab exercise. For example, if you are doing interval sprints on a stationary bike or treadmill, run for 30 seconds at your maximum speed.
so friends hope you will enjoy reading this blog and it will surely help you to gain six pack abs will be back with a new blog again till than good bye and if somewhere i am wrong please inform me.
Thank you 


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