Basic Tips to live a healthy life

Hello guys...
Here are some important tips that will help you to live a healthy life.
this information would be for both poor, middle class and rich people so don't worry about the money you have to spend on eating a proper diet.

1. Start your day by waking up early in the morning because waking up early makes a person feel fresh and energetic and also protect you from the ultra viral rays which an earth generate while sunrise.

2. Drink a glass of apple cider vinager empty stomach, it will kill all the germs present in a body and improves metabolism. ACV is also good for over eaters it lowers your hunger and you can easily maintain your time to time diet.

3. Do some morning walk or running on a daily routine and after Running have some healthy protien and fats and low healthy carbs in your breakfast.

4. Make sure have atleast five meals in a day to build your muscles and to keep your body healthy.

5. 2nd diet should be around 11am that will include 3 boiled whole eggs and two slices of brown bread with peanut butter.

6. Lunch should contain 3 whole egg omletts and two slices of brown bread with peanut butter.

7. After completing your day by doing your job or something else that would be your daily routine,get fresh and have some veggies and salad that will provide your body essential nutrients.

8. Dinner is the final meal some hours before sleep so it should be light because people often eat alot in dinner and eat less in breakfast or lunch. breakfast should be heavy because it is the start of the day and dinner should be light because you don't have to do any work after that.Have some protien and fats only.

So friends this is the whole diet plan and way of living which will help you to maintain good health and i will make sure to provide more information about intake of carbs, protiens and fats and quantity of intake and also would describe the good and bad meals that people often do.
Thank you😊


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