Diet distribution

Hello friends this is Meer Ishu and today im going to talk about the fats,  protiens and carbs and there intake quantity, and also would like to discuss the process of storage of these things in our body.

So friends first we all know that when we eat something weather fruits,  vegitables , or anything , in three different ways our body gets benefitted.

In terms of Fats
In terms of Carbs
In terms of Protiens.

These are the three basic things which our body get after we eat something, so guys lets discuss these things one by one and also there intake quantity.

1. Protiens. protiens are the healthiest form of diet which give our body some essential nutrients to build muscles. Thus protiens only help in muscle building. when we do some work and we eat some healthy food that contains fats,  carbs and protiens thus our body use all three things time to time as per requirement.When we eat protien it goes in our body and breaks down into amino acids.

2. Fats. fats are also essential for our body but the healthy ones. fats also provide body essential nutrients to gain weight or to maintain weight. Make sure eat unsaturated fats because unsaturated fats are healthy ones if we eat saturated fats , those fats would be harmfull for body and leads to heart failure and other diseases. When we eat fats it goes in our body and breaks into fatty acids.

3. Carbs. carbs are also essential for out body and these also should be the healthy carbs not the bad carbs which effects body. Most improtant thing in intake of carbs is ids quantity because more quantity would lead to the excess of body fat. When we eat carbs it goen in our body and breaks down into sugars or glucose which gives body energy to work.

These are the three main components of every meal which we consume in our day to day life and the most important thing we must discuss is the intake quantity of these components.

Protiens. the intake quantity of protien should be  1 gram of protein per pound of body weight in a day for healthy weight gain.

Fats. the intake quantity of fats should be 50 to 60 gram per day.

Carbs. The intake quantity of carbs should be atleast 20 to 30 grams per day.

So friends hope this article would help you to understand the difference between carbs, fats and protiens. 

Thank you


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