Gaining healthy Weight through Diet

Hi friends this is Meer Ishu and today im going to talk about ( Gaining or Loosing weight ) , as we all know that our body has some mechanism to work properly and if this mechanism is somehow disturbed by some external efforts our body could gain or loose weight and it will result in generating various diseases. As we all know that our body is exactly like a machine , as we do proper service to our cars or machines, we also should do the same with our body and yes that's true the proper service of our body is intake of good nutrients and minerals and other important things which we are going to discuss below.

So we will discuss both the things one by one first we will talk about gaining weight.

1. Gaining weight is as simple as one can not imagine but gaining a good amount of weight is important. one can eat anything he would like to eat during a day but that eating would damage the proper functioning of internal organs of a human body.

Image result for healthy eating

2. Eat today's world healthy eaters are very less and
 that's a true fact because all we need is taste, very less people
 prefer nutrition values that is very important in healthy weight gaining.

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3. exercise... I will quote a phrase here that you can understand easily. exercise without eating is incomplete and eating without exercise is incomplete. so keep both thing on a right track to gain a healthy weight.

4.  Better sleep... Sleep is really very important in healthy living and muscle building because all our body tissues repair while sleep and 8 hour sleep is necessary for all of us, and this is the biggest cause of over weighting as we know that people often spend there time on laptops and phones till late night.Sleep on time and wake up early in the morning.

5. Junk foods... All street foods are waste and are harmful for our body. avoid all street food or in other sense we can say avoid all processed foods, because processed foods are low in nutrients and high in carbohydrates and saturated fats which is totally harmful for stomach and other organs.So say no to junk food and enjoy healthy life by eating the food that we make at home which is neat and clean and also healthy.

6. Avoid intake of liquid calories... liquid calories are absolute useless calories which are stored in our body as a bad fat and we get fat. for example cold drinks, ice creams , all juices which are available in market. these things only generate bad fat in our body nothing else, no refreshment no health nothing just bad health, so please avoid intake of liquid calories.

7. Avoid intake of sweet products. sweet things act like sweet poison in our body, they are high in calories and help the body in generating useless fat. I am not saying that totally avoid eating sweet things we can eat in a limit but over eating sweet things may cause gaining fat in our body. we can enjoy eating sweet things like fruits which contain  natural sweetness , dates , honey.

So friends this was all about how to gain wait through a proper diet and which things we must avoid to gain bad fat in our body hope this will help you... in my next blog i will tell you how to loose weight for the people who are over weighted or who want to get lean....

Thank you friends

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